Not for the faint of heart...
it's a beautiful day to be.... CONCEITED!
A peak on my first ever outfit post.
No inspiration.
Just tried my very best to be as elegant as possible in a chill, steady way. hopefully, i pulled it off.
Take a look at the Tiger Lily express...
The feather earrings got me nostalgic. (hence, the entry title)
An old cartoon my sister and I grew up watching.
I was in total embarrassment when this photo was taken.
people (even those i didn't know) were watching.
(FYI: taken during Owen and Carla's wedding celebration at Romulo's)
(edited via Instagram)
I know... I know.. I'm bad at modeling. I'll practice more i guess.
(don't know how to end this entry. so...)
Have a happy Tuesday!
a happy thought to make you fly, babydoll!
"faint hearts never won fair lady!" - - - peter pan
Saying "Nickie is so maarte" is an understatement hahaha! Love yah!