Monday, March 5, 2012


This entry is dedicated to my cousin and who "sealed the deal" 
 march 3, 2012.  

It's pretty amazing to see someone you grew up with walk down the aisle with tears on their faces, saying i do and listening to their exchange of vows. It makes one rethink his/her (ok fine, MY) priorities in life. boo...
The Architect who married the Engineer. It's a glam rock affair at Balai Taal. :)

 quirky cake for a quirky couple.

 a hearty meal prepared by passion cooks. forgot to take pictures of the food. talk about sayang!!!

bloom bloom!

But then again, if you ask me, i'm far from being prepared to jump into marital bliss.
oh! one thing i love about weddings: i have a legitimate excuse to cry in public! 
best wishes to my favorite cousin Kheysi Felix-Juab (hahaha!!!) and her hubby Randy Juab!
i'll post more pictures about this affair next time. :))

Truth be told; people cry during weddings. :) 

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