Tuesday, May 15, 2012


And so, it was one great sunday. Wonderful Mother's day that is. 
This is another outfit post... truth be told,i have big arms and so what?! i want and can wear what i want! hahaha!! and here goes....


the beauty of having a good fitting top :))
blue sleeveless top: random brand i cannot remember

CHURBISH GOODIES: purple and aqua arm candy (right wrist)
(click on the link! and start hitting like)

hair up... hair up.. hair up-up-up-up-up!!!
lip color of choice: happy pink

black pants: dept store
peep toe heels: gift

bag: ukay find!

Thank you Lord for my mama and all of the mom's in the world!!!!
have a happy day!

babydoll!!! say it bad and say it good :
"i say dear lonely / now are you happy /keepon messing with my life / that's right"
-dear lonely

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I was on a month long hiatus from blogging.. and truth be told, i missed it. friends and other family members whom I've REQUIRED to read and check my blog have been asking me for a sane reason as to why i had a sudden stagnant blog. Anyhow, I, Manica Roshan Sayaman, blame the scorching heat, the poor internet connection and my katamaran as culprits. hahaha! :))

so here we go....

ONE GREAT NIGHT FOR ELAINE (before officially leaving us..):
 Saturday night out with friends. Chatting endlessly, laughing our asses off over savory dinner, huge serving of a yakult goodie of choice and visiting an old memorable place where the friendship started.

say hi to Elaine. The girl of the night. have a safe flight and feel the chill London has to offer! *cheers*


the mysterious soup!
can't remember.. spinach soup ba to??

L-R: Albert, Lee Elvin, Elaine and myself


aww... all smiles. :))

another washed out-overly treated photo. tsk!


Surgical ICU with our former ANUM

their locker haha

look how cute Elaine is. hahahaha


The sad part bout the 4th stop is that we didn't have decent pictures and Elaine's cam was drained; but just so you know, Albert is a very good volleyball player!

This is for Elaine. To the joy she brings to others and a celebration to her very kind heart. I'll miss you Elaine!
when you come home, filipino food extravaganza na!!! :))

a babydoll aphorism:
happiness comes from having wonderful people in one's life. :))

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Hurray for sunday!
it's a heat stricken morning,so for today's church day i opted to dress up in a comfy dress paired with a vest
(borrowed from my sister yjeen)

tried editing the pictures, parang overly treated! oh well..

dress: freeway
venue: the church

vest: guess jeans (from yjeen's closet)

bead bracelet: from aching's anik-anik
watch: lexon

this is the most colorful I've seen myself in my outfit posts and i hope i was able to pull it off!
will be trying out boxing in the coming days. how exciting!!! *no bruises please!*
that's it! have a happy sunday!!

remember babydoll:
here comes the lent!
and here comes the summer heat! whew!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Here's what i wore when I attended a seminar yesterday:


horse inspired shirt: a thrift store find :))
lipstick: estee lauder (nectarine)

(R wrist) big red bangle: from Ilocos
shell bracelet: from bora
(L wrist) multi-colored bead bracelet: from kathy

My OTD required a little color kick here and there so I infused tropical colored accents to my dark ensemble to at least give a happy summer vibe.  
brown bag: RUBI
such a battered bag.. :'(

my new baby!
lime colored bow flats: primadonna

Just so you know, I promised myself early this year to embrace the beauty of wearing vibrant tones. 
and I will make it happen!!!!

Enjoy the rest of the week! :))

babydoll's -- as i/they/him/her say so:
"love sticks, sweat drips, break the lock if it dont fit!.... a kiss with a fist is better than none!
---florence and the machine

Sunday, March 18, 2012


It has always been the one rule stuck in my mind (that i'm really trying to break...somehow): PLAINS + PRINT = BASIC

Didn't want to go all out tribal nor ethnic with the feel the shirt's print gave me, so i opted for the "basic rule". 
just take a look. here's the OTD breakdown:

jeans: bazaar
wedges: gift 

4 or 5 inch heel = statuesque beauty. haha

bronze bracelet: from mama
red/white beaded bracelet: from Bangkok 'daw' (from mama's friend)

hello kobe! care to join the photo-op?? :))

my grunge chic face. haha

and now, i take a bow. ciao!

and babydoll says:
for KUYA PAO.... soar high kuya. <3